Sunday, March 17, 2013

Game 2 Preview: Funke Bowl


It's the game that everyone circled on the schedule right when it was released. We Just Blue Ourselves versus the Nevernudes. 9 p.m. on field #1! 

Anyone who would like to adorn themselves in blue paint to honor the occasion is welcome. Maybe just "eye blue" will suffice. 

This leagues not big enough for two teams with an Arrested Development-inspired name, so let's show them who's the real analyst and therapist!

Now, for your viewing and procrastinating pleasure, Tobias Funke clips:
"Best of" here
The first of his profession here

Game 1 Recap: There are no banana peels on the field

Which was more regrettable about Wednesday? The weather or the calls that went against us? Answer: Both. Thanks to everyone for trudging out there in the brutally cold conditions. Hopefully warmer weeks are ahead.

Despite falling behind early the team rallied and just came up short in a 4-3 defeat probably noted most for the obstruction that wasn't called as Jared rounded third. Yet somehow he did see me not go outside on a bill I kicked down the line the other way. Oh well.

Several people got several hits, but it was so cold out the ink wasn't working very well in the pen and the score book is kind of illegible. Put this one behind us.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Opening Night 2013

Welcome back for another KLOB season with WJBO kickball. This year sees the addition of a third McLeod -- welcome to Andrew and Allie's older sister Kate. It also marks the return of Jim Marsden and Caitlin Roberts ... for supplemental coaching and an inspiring pure enjoyment of catching the ball.

The team renews it's bi-annual quest to make the playoffs, this time opening with an 8:10 game against Beaver Commanders, an apparent reference to another popular TV show I don't understand.

Not sure if we will be taking on a new team or just a team with a new name. We obviously want to stay with a reference to a TV show that's been of the air for six years. Of course I know everyone is excited for the Arrested Development bowl next week, but we don't want to get caught in the classic "look ahead" game.

Hope to see you there. Go Blue!