Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 3 Preview: Popeye's Secret Recipe

Hey all,

We're unfortunately off to an 0-2 start and things are not about to get any easier when we visit How I Met Your Rubber (1-1) at 7:20 p.m. on Wednesday at the same Riverside field as the first two games.

Even though it won't be easy, everyone should be confident that we will win this game. I think we will have everyone there and with a defensive effort like the one we had the first we week I am guaranteeing that we will win. The team looked a lot better at the plate last Wednesday and this is the week that we put it together.

I also have one more secret weapon: Pabst Blue Ribbon. Both we and PBR have the same trademark color so officials from the company have approached me about being the team's official sponsor. The deal is for as long as we keep winning, I will keep bringing free Pabst from Wells Liquors. How's that for a contract incentive?

I think we are planning to go straight to the fields since we are playing one of the earlier games, but we will try to get there a bit early if anyone wants to tailgate at the field. Will be up for going out after with my eye finding a place with the Twins and Tigers on TV.

See everyone Wednesday!

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