Sunday, March 10, 2013

Opening Night 2013

Welcome back for another KLOB season with WJBO kickball. This year sees the addition of a third McLeod -- welcome to Andrew and Allie's older sister Kate. It also marks the return of Jim Marsden and Caitlin Roberts ... for supplemental coaching and an inspiring pure enjoyment of catching the ball.

The team renews it's bi-annual quest to make the playoffs, this time opening with an 8:10 game against Beaver Commanders, an apparent reference to another popular TV show I don't understand.

Not sure if we will be taking on a new team or just a team with a new name. We obviously want to stay with a reference to a TV show that's been of the air for six years. Of course I know everyone is excited for the Arrested Development bowl next week, but we don't want to get caught in the classic "look ahead" game.

Hope to see you there. Go Blue!

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