Saturday, March 12, 2011

Opening Day: Second Try

Hey everyone,

Welcome back to another season! Don't worry about last week's rainout, we are still playing the first game of the season (6:30 start time, if it doesn't rain again).

The league organizers are stressing this year that start time is the actual time they will start and that they will be asessing forfeits so please do your best to be prompt if you can. I should make it on time as long as this doesn't happen to me at work.

We are playing at our favorite Riverside field with our favorite umpire against Where My Pitches At? This is actually a different Where My Pitches At than the one we've played in our epic 2-1 affairs the past few season.

Since we've never played them before I don't have too much to say, so instead of scouting this week why not just watch videos of kittens.

See you Wednesday,